Tax Compliance

Tax Compliance Services

Each Dutch company has the obligation to prepare and file a corporate income tax return each year. A Dutch company subject to Dutch VAT and/ or Dutch wage tax, is also obliged to file a VAT return respectively a wage tax return. We can take care of preparation and filing of such returns and the legal formalities to be fulfilled in this respect.

IP and finance optimizations

We can assist you to restructure and optimize your finance activities and internal cash flows by making it as tax efficient as possible, while meeting all relevant (international) regulations and requirements.

Further we can advise on robust and efficient structures for IP generation and IP planning. In that respect we can provide advice on how to structure intragroup finance and royalty payments in such way that inefficiencies are reduced as much as possible. This prevents unnecessary tax leakage and makes the structure as efficient as possible.

Contact us now for a free quote on your project